Author / Artist
Pub Date
"Did I Not Bring Israel Out of Egypt?": Biblical, Archaeological, and Egyptological Perspectives on the Exodus Narratives (Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement)Hoffmeier, James K. Hardcover 1575064294 / 9781575064291 2016-05-19 $62.48
"Go Tell My People Who They Are!" The True Biblical Identity of Black People: The Biblical & Historical Identity of Ham, Shem, and Japheth's Descenden Swinton, Janice Rozett Paperback 1468159593 / 9781468159592 2012-01-01 $15.15
"Sortir au jour" Reprint 2012 Edition (Corona Nova/Série 2) (French) Chappaz, Jean-Luc Hardcover 3598242719 / 9783598242717 2001-04-18 $146.30
"Thus Speaks Ishtar of Arbela": Prophecy in Israel, Assyria, and Egypt in the Neo-Assyrian Period Gordon, Robert P. Hardcover 1575062828 / 9781575062822 2013-09-26 $55.60
#travelmemories: Photo Book of Doc Gelo Santos, Angelo Nino M. Paperback 1505776406 / 9781505776409 2014-12-27 $25.56
'Arabi Liblib: Egyptian Colloquial Arabic for the Advanced Learner. 1: Adjectives and Descriptions (Arabi Liblib: Egyptian Colloquial Arabic for the Advanced Learner) (Arabic) Al Ekhnawy, Kamal Paperback 9774163990 / 9789774163999 2011-02-01 $28.45
'Arabi Liblib: Egyptian Colloquial Arabic for the Advanced Learner. 2: Proverbs (Arabi Liblib: Egyptian Colloquial Arabic for the Advanced Learner) (Arabic) Al Ekhnawy, Kamal Paperback 977416458X / 9789774164583 2011-02-01 $28.45
'Arabi Liblib: Egyptian Colloquial Arabic for the Advanced Learner. 3: Idioms and Other Expressions (Arabic) Al Ekhnawy, Kamal Paperback 9774164970 / 9789774164972 2011-11-15 $28.45
'Because I Am Greek': Polyonymy as an Expression of Ethnicity in Ptolemaic Egypt (Studia Hellenistica)Coussement, S. Paperback 9042932724 / 9789042932722 2016-02-29 $116.85
'Notes Diverses' D'Un Futur Grand Antiquaire: Un Manuscrit de Jeunesse de J.-F. Champollion Se Trouvant Au Musee D'Antiquites Des Pays-Bas a Leyde (Papers on Archaeology from the Leiden Museum of Antiquities)Schneider, Hans Diedrik Paperback 2503524451 / 9782503524450 2006-12-31 $59.85
'Nubisches' Sprachmaterial in Hieroglyphischen Und Hieratischen Texten: Personennamen, Appellativa, Phrasen Vom Neuen Reich Bis in Die Napatanische Un (Meroitica) (German) Zibelius-Chen, Karola Hardcover 344706465X / 9783447064651 2011-05-01 $73.50
'Ra Is My Lord': Searching for the Rise of the Sun God at the Dawn of Egyptian History 1., Aufl. Edition (Menes)Kahl, Jochem Paperback 3447055405 / 9783447055406 2009-12-04 $37.05
'The Most Prominent Dutchman in Egypt': Jan Herman Insinger and the Egyptian Collection in Leiden (Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities)Raven, Maarten J. Paperback 9088905517 / 9789088905513 2018-11-16 $42.00
'The Most Prominent Dutchman in Egypt': Jan Herman Insinger and the Egyptian Collection in Leiden (Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities)Raven, Maarten J. Hardcover 9088905525 / 9789088905520 2018-11-16 $126.00
'the Perfection That Endures...': Studies in Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology Kopp, Edyta Hardcover 8394761208 / 9788394761202 2018-12-31 $99.75
...Denn Das Eigentliche Studium Der Menschheit Ist Der Mensch: Beitrage Aus Der Agyptologie, Der Geschichtswissenschaft, Der Koptologie, Der Linguisti (French) Magen, Barbara Hardcover 3447109599 / 9783447109598 2018-03-07 $113.05
10. Agyptologische Tempeltagung: Agyptische Tempel Zwischen Normierung Und Individualitat: Munchen, 29.-31. August 2014 (Konigtum, Staat Und Gesellschaft Fruher Hochkulturen) (German) Ullmann, Martina Paperback 3447105720 / 9783447105729 2016-11-03 $48.30
13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi Zuckoff, Mitchell Hardcover 1455530093 / 9781455530090 2014-09-30 $44.10
13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi Zuckoff, Mitchell Paperback 1455538442 / 9781455538447 2015-11-24 $14.59
13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi Zuckoff, Mitchell Paperback 145558228X / 9781455582280 2015-09-08 $14.59
Out Of Print 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi Zuckoff, Mitchell Mass Market Paperbound 1455538396 / 9781455538393 2015-11-24 $7.29
2008 (German) Hardcover 3110196883 / 9783110196887 2010-08-26 $112.10
2011 (German) Hardcover 3110236435 / 9783110236439 2013-03-26 $112.10
2012 (German) Hardcover 3110347490 / 9783110347494 2014-09-15 $112.10
2013 (German) Hardcover 3110440105 / 9783110440102 2015-11-13 $112.10