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Oh Say, I Can't See #15/Marco? Polo! #16 (Time Warp Trio)
ISBN: 9781101951811
Retail: $7.99    OUR PRICE: $2.79
     You Save 65%
Binding Type: Paperback
Annotation: "I cannot tell a lie," said General George Washington. "The Time Warp Trio helped me cross the Delaware River and surprise the enemy troops."

So how did Christmas Eve in the twenty-first century turn into Christmas Day in 1776? Well, it was sort of an accident. And for once, it wasn't Joe's, Sam's, and Fred's fault! Can American history survive the Time Warp Trio? You'll just have to ask Sam's time-warping great-granddaughter Samantha . . . and her leaky cat.

The Time Warp Trio meets Marco Polo!
What would happen if someone had a time-warping book he got from his uncle who was a magician, and he took it to the local YMCA pool while he played Marco? Polo! with his best friends? In the sixteenth adventure of the Time Warp Trio, it happens to Joe (and Fred and Sam). And what happens is sandstorms, desert bandits, a smelly camel, strange horoscopes, the emperor of all China, and one very famous explorer. If the explorer is Marco Polo, this must be thirteenthcentury China!

Additional Information
Bargain Category: Action & Adventure, Chapter Books, Early Elementary, Fantasy, Humor, Magic, Science Fiction, Time Warp Trio, Upper Elementary
Grade level(s): 2nd, 3rd, 4th