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ISBN: 9780711278288
Retail: $9.99    OUR PRICE: $2.59
     You Save 74%
Binding Type: Paperback
Annotation: With fast facts, mini missions and engaging artwork, Ancient Rome in 30 Seconds is an introduction to one of the world’ s greatest ancient civilizations. Children will discover how ordinary Romans lived, what it was like to be a legionary and how the mighty Roman empire rose – and fell. Other topics cover Rome at war, religion and superstition, and great Roman inventions, from concrete to central heating. Each topic is presented in a concise 30-second summary, supported by a 3-second flash soundbite and full-colour artwork. Fun, active elements for kids to make and do support the topics, encouraging them to test, explore and discover more.
Additional Information
Bargain Category: Geography, History, Middle School, Reference, Science, Social Issues, Technology, Upper Elementary
Grade level(s): 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th