Author / Artist
Pub Date
"And They Shall Be One Flesh" on the Language of Mystical Union in Judaism (Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy)Afterman, Adam Hardcover 9004328726 / 9789004328723 2016-08-25 $157.70
"And You Shall Teach Them Diligently" - A Concise History of Jewish Education in the United States 1776-2000 Graff, Gil Hardcover 0873341120 / 9780873341127 2008-09-01 $28.50
"And You Shall Teach Them Diligently" - A Concise History of Jewish Education in the United States 1776-2000 Graff, Gil Hardcover 0873341120 / 9780873341127 2008-09-01 $28.50
"Banished from Their Father's Table": Loss of Faith and Hebrew Autobiography Mintz, Alan Hardcover 0253338573 / 9780253338570 1989-10-22 $36.70
"El Alma del Rebe Najmán" - Sijot HaRan - Sijot 1-51: Sijot HaRan con un comentario de las clases del Rabí Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal (Spanish) Rosenfeld, Rabi Zvi Aryeh Paperback 1979817529 / 9781979817523 2017-11-16 $17.58
"Geschenke an Aufmerksame" (German) Fußl, Irene Paperback 3484651687 / 9783484651685 2008-03-27 $134.89
"Hey Waiter...There's God in My Soup!": Learning Kabbalah Through Humor Krause, Terry Paperback 1453729801 / 9781453729809 2010-09-08 $14.20
"How Come Boys Get to Keep Their Noses?": Women and Jewish American Identity in Contemporary Graphic Memoirs (Gender and Culture)Oksman, Tahneer Paperback 0231172753 / 9780231172752 2016-02-16 $33.60
"How Come Boys Get to Keep Their Noses?": Women and Jewish American Identity in Contemporary Graphic Memoirs (Gender and Culture)Oksman, Tahneer Hardcover 0231172745 / 9780231172745 2016-02-16 $110.25
"I Am to Be Read Not from Left to Right, But in Jewish: From Right to Left": The Poetics of Boris Slutsky (Borderlines: Russian and East European-Jewish Studies)Grinberg, Marat Hardcover 1934843733 / 9781934843734 2011-01-01 $132.05
"I Am to Be Read Not from Left to Right, But in Jewish: From Right to Left": The Poetics of Boris Slutsky (Borderlines: Russian and East European-Jewish Studies)Grinberg, Marat Hardcover 1934843733 / 9781934843734 2011-01-01 $132.05
"I Am to Be Read Not from Left to Right, But in Jewish: From Right to Left": The Poetics of Boris Slutsky (Borderlines: Russian and East European-Jewish Studies)Grinberg, Marat Paperback 1618112759 / 9781618112750 2013-02-01 $33.25
"I Am to Be Read Not from Left to Right, But in Jewish: From Right to Left": The Poetics of Boris Slutsky (Borderlines: Russian and East European-Jewish Studies)Grinberg, Marat Paperback 1618112759 / 9781618112750 2013-02-01 $33.25
"I Have Always Loved the Holy Tongue": Isaac Casaubon, the Jews, and a Forgotten Chapter in Renaissance Scholarship (Carl Newell Jackson Lectures)Grafton, Anthony Hardcover 0674048407 / 9780674048409 2011-01-03 $44.10
"I'm Here!": Finding God in our hectic 21st century lives Gaines, Rabbi Brandon Paperback 1519164327 / 9781519164322 2015-11-26 $9.45
"Kill the best gentiles!" Von Brunn, James Paperback 1912452731 / 9781912452736 2018-11-08 $26.60
"Living and Moving" A Book of Poetry by Cassandra Silver Silver, Cassandra J. Paperback 1490405399 / 9781490405391 2013-08-27 $14.24
"Meine Gefängnisse": Tagebücher 1943 - 1945 (Studien Und Texte Zur Sozialgeschichte der Literatur) (German) Lassaigne, Dominique Hardcover 3110253895 / 9783110253894 2012-11-15 $169.09
"Mount Arbel" (in Russian) (Russian) Sher, Igor Paperback 149548114X / 9781495481147 2014-02-14 $8.55
"Musterstadt" Auschwitz (Darstellungen Und Quellen Zur Geschichte Von Auschwitz) (German) Steinbacher, Sybille Hardcover 3598240317 / 9783598240317 2000-06-02 $266.00
Out Of Print "My Name Is Not Saul": Part Two of the Angelica Series (Angelica)R, LM Paperback 1723807524 / 9781723807527 2018-09-18 $12.59
Out Of Print "My Name Is Not Saul": Part Two of the Angelica Series (Angelica)R, LM Paperback 1723807524 / 9781723807527 2018-09-18 $12.59
"Noted Jewish People of the World On Stamps": A Collection of Stamps Issued By Over 95 Countries in the World Beleck, Marvin a. Paperback 1974426769 / 9781974426768 2017-12-15 $44.25
"Poro fio, te fanno le buggere": L?epistolario Jabotinsky-Sciaky (1924-1939) (Italian) Pinto, Vincenzo Paperback 1981732365 / 9781981732364 2017-12-14 $15.32
"Raise up to them their King" - Psalms of Solomon 17-18 in the Context of Early Jewish Messianism Zacharias, H. Daniel Paperback 3639060768 / 9783639060768 2008-07-18 $50.27