Author / Artist
Pub Date
Akhenaten's Workers: The Amarna Stone Village Survey, 2005-9: Volume I: The Survey, Excavations and Architecture (Excavation Memoir)Stevens, Anna Hardcover 0856982083 / 9780856982088 2012-12-31 $66.50
Akhenaten's Workers: The Amarna Stone Village Survey, 2005-9: Volume II: The Faunal and Botanical Remains, and Objects (Excavation Memoir)Clapham, Alan Hardcover 0856982091 / 9780856982095 2012-12-31 $66.50
Akrotiri Thera: An Architecture of Affluence 3,500 Years Old (Prehistory Monographs)Palyvou, Clairy Paperback 193153487X / 9781931534871 2005-12-30 $47.25
Alcibiades and the Socratic Lover-Educator. Volume Editor, Harold Tarrant, Marguerite Johnson Tarrant, Harold Paperback 1472504461 / 9781472504463 2014-01-02 $54.55
Alexander Barclay's Translation of Sallust's Bellum Iugurthinum (Early English Text Society Original)Waite, Greg Hardcover 0199688192 / 9780199688197 2014-10-28 $104.50
Alexander of Aphrodisias: On Aristotle Metaphysics 1 (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)Dooley, E. W. Paperback 1780933622 / 9781780933627 2014-04-10 $54.55
Alexander of Aphrodisias: On Aristotle Metaphysics 2&3 (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)Dooley, E. W. Paperback 1780934440 / 9781780934440 2014-04-10 $54.55
Alexander of Aphrodisias: On Aristotle Metaphysics 5 (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)Dooley, E. W. Paperback 1780934505 / 9781780934501 2014-04-10 $54.55
Alexander the Great (World Generals (Palgrave MacMillan))Yenne, Bill Hardcover 0230619150 / 9780230619159 2010-04-13 $27.00
Alexander the Great Anson, Edward M. Hardcover 1441113908 / 9781441113900 2013-06-06 $168.00
Alexander the Great Martin, Thomas R. Hardcover 0521767482 / 9780521767484 2012-09-28 $91.19
Alexander the Great Martin, Thomas R. Paperback 0521148448 / 9780521148443 2012-09-28 $37.04
Alexander the Great and Egypt: History, Art, Tradition. Wroclaw/Breslau, 18./19. Nov. 2011 1., Aufl. Edition (Philippika)Grieb, Volker Hardcover 3447102705 / 9783447102704 2014-09-01 $99.75
Alexander the Great and His Empire: A Short Introduction Briant, Pierre Paperback 0691154457 / 9780691154459 2012-03-25 $26.55
Alexander the Great: A Reader Worthington, Ian Paperback 0415667437 / 9780415667432 2011-11-18 $58.89
Alexander the Great: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)Bowden, Hugh Paperback 0198706154 / 9780198706151 2014-09-01 $9.48
Alexander the Great: Themes and Issues. by Edward M. Anson Anson, Edward M. Paperback 1441193790 / 9781441193797 2013-06-06 $41.95
Alexandre D'Aphrodise, Commentaire Perdu a la "Physique" D'Aristote (Livres IV-VIII): Les Scholies Byzantines. Edition, Traduction Et Commentaire (Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca Et Byzantina) (Greek, Ancient (to 1453)) Rashed, Marwan Hardcover 3110186780 / 9783110186789 2011-07-18 $247.00
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Puffin Classics)Carroll, Lewis Paperback 0141321075 / 9780141321073 2008-06-19 $5.83
Aliens and Sojourners: Self as Other in Early Christianity (Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion)Dunning, Benjamin H. Hardcover 0812241568 / 9780812241563 2009-07-14 $61.70
All Things Julius Caesar: An Encyclopedia of Caesar's World and Legacy [2 Volumes] (All Things)Lovano, Michael Hardcover 1440804206 / 9781440804205 2014-12-02 $207.90
Allegories of Farming from Greece and Rome Kronenberg, Leah Hardcover 0521517265 / 9780521517263 2009-05-29 $114.95
Allegories of the Iliad (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library)Tzetzes, John Hardcover 0674967852 / 9780674967854 2015-04-20 $33.25
Allusion, Authority, and Truth: Critical Perspectives on Greek Poetic and Rhetorical PRAXIS (Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes)Mitsis, Phillip Hardcover 3110245396 / 9783110245394 2010-10-15 $266.00
Almsgiving in the Later Roman Empire: Christian Promotion and Practice (313-450) Finn, Richard Hardcover 0199283605 / 9780199283606 2006-04-27 $228.00