Author / Artist
Pub Date
ACTA Conventus Neo-Latini Monasteriensis: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Münster 2012) (ACTA Conventus Neo-Latini)Steiner-Weber Hardcover 9004289178 / 9789004289178 2015-03-13 $332.50
ACTA Conventus Neo-Latini Upsaliensis (Set, Two Volumes): Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Uppsala 2009) (ACTA Conventus Neo-Latini)Steiner-Weber Hardcover 9004226478 / 9789004226470 2012-05-25 $303.05
ACTA Conventus Neo-Latini Vindobonensis: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Vienna 2015) (ACTA Conventus Neo-Latini)Steiner-Weber Hardcover 9004361529 / 9789004361522 2018-03-22 $95.95
Activity of Being: An Essay on Aristotle's Ontology Kosman, Aryeh Hardcover 0674072863 / 9780674072862 2013-03-18 $61.95
AD Fines Imperii Romani Anno Bismillesimo Cladis Varianae: ACTA Conventus Academiae Latinitati Fovendae XII Ratisbonensis (Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia)Beck, Jan-Wilhelm Paperback 9058678776 / 9789058678775 2012-04-15 $78.75
Ad Notitiam Ignoti: L'Organon Dans La Translatio Studiorum a l'Epoque d'Albert Le Grand (Studia Artistarum) (French) Brumberg-Chaumont, J. Paperback 2503541836 / 9782503541839 2013-11-15 $153.66
Adam of the Road (Puffin Modern Classics) (Puffin Modern Classics)Gray, Elizabeth Janet Paperback 0142406597 / 9780142406595 2006-10-05 $6.56
Aegina: Contexts for Choral Lyric Poetry: Myth, History, and Identity in the Fifth Century BC Fearn, David Hardcover 0199546517 / 9780199546510 2011-02-04 $156.75
Aeneas of Gaza: Theophrastus with Zacharias of Mytilene: Ammonius (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)Gertz, Sebastian Paperback 1472558014 / 9781472558015 2014-04-10 $54.55
Aeneas of Gaza: Theophrastus with Zacharias of Mytilene: Ammonius (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)Gertz, Sebastian Hardcover 178093209X / 9781780932095 2013-01-17 $231.00
Aeschylus I: The Persians/The Seven Against Thebes/The Suppliant Maidens/Prometheus Bound (Complete Greek Tragedies)Aeschylus Paperback 0226311449 / 9780226311449 2013-04-19 $14.25
Aeschylus: Suppliant Women Aeschylus Paperback 1908343346 / 9781908343345 2013-09-19 $57.74
Aesthetic Maintenance of Civic Space: The 'Classical' City from the 4th to the 7th C. Ad (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta)Jacobs, I. Hardcover 9042923024 / 9789042923027 2013-03-14 $142.50
Aesthetic Themes in Pagan and Christian Neoplatonism: From Plotinus to Gregory of Nyssa Iozzia, Daniele Hardcover 1472572327 / 9781472572325 2015-05-07 $183.75
Aesthetic Themes in Pagan and Christian Neoplatonism: From Plotinus to Gregory of Nyssa Iozzia, Daniele Paperback 1350007935 / 9781350007932 2016-09-22 $54.55
Aesthetic Value in Classical Antiquity (Mnemosyne, Supplements)Sluiter, Ineke Hardcover 9004231676 / 9789004231672 2012-09-06 $245.10
Aëtiana (2 Vols.): The Method and Intellectual Context of a Doxographer. Volume Two: The Compendium (Philosophia Antiqua)Mansfeld, Jaap Hardcover 9004172068 / 9789004172067 2008-12-23 $321.10
Aëtiana: The Method and Intellectual Context of a Doxographer, Volume III, Studies in the Doxographical Traditions of Ancient P (Philosophia Antiqua)Mansfeld, Jaap Hardcover 9004180419 / 9789004180413 2009-10-23 $275.50
Afro-Greeks: Dialogues Between Anglophone Caribbean Literature and Classics in the Twentieth Century Greenwood, Emily Hardcover 019957524X / 9780199575244 2010-03-26 $161.50
After Alexander: The Time of the Diadochi (323-281 Bc) Troncoso, Victor Alonso Paperback 1785705121 / 9781785705120 2016-10-11 $43.70
After Thermopylae: The Oath of Plataea and the End of the Graeco-Persian Wars (Emblems of Antiquity)Cartledge, Paul Hardcover 0199747326 / 9780199747320 2013-06-06 $20.43
Age of Titans: The Rise and Fall of the Great Hellenistic Navies (Onassis Series in Hellenic Culture)Murray, William M. Hardcover 019538864X / 9780195388640 2012-01-06 $99.75
Agora Excavations, 1931-2006: A Pictorial History Mauzy, Craig A. Paperback 0876619103 / 9780876619100 2006-06-01 $23.75
Aitia I: Les Quatre Causes d'Aristote: Origines Et Interpretations (Aristote. Traductions Et Etudes) (French) Natali, C. Paperback 9042929316 / 9789042929319 2013-12-31 $86.10
Akhenaten and the Origins of Monotheism Hoffmeier, James K. Hardcover 0199792089 / 9780199792085 2015-02-13 $90.25