Author / Artist
Pub Date
Young Unwed Fathers: Changing Roles and Emerging Policies Lerman, Robert Hardcover 1566390486 / 9781566390484 1993-06-29 $86.93
Your Caring Heart: Renewal for Helping Professionals and Systems John, Jaiya Paperback 0991640187 / 9780991640188 2016-05-06 $22.80
Youth and Community Empowerment in Europe: International Perspectives Evans, Peter Hardcover 1447305914 / 9781447305910 2012-12-01 $132.95
Youth and Community Empowerment in Europe: International Perspectives Evans, Peter Paperback 1447305922 / 9781447305927 2013-09-01 $50.30
Youth and Policy: Contexts and Consequences: Young Men, Transition and Social Exclusion (Routledge Revivals)Williamson, Howard Hardcover 1138394319 / 9781138394315 2019-05-23 $147.00
Youth and Policy: Contexts and Consequences: Young Men, Transition and Social Exclusion Williamson, Howard Paperback 1138394335 / 9781138394339 2020-11-23 $42.74
Youth Justice and Child Protection Hill, Malcolm Paperback 184310279X / 9781843102793 2006-09-01 $47.45
Youth Participatory Evaluation (Research Methods for the Social Sciences)Sabo Flores, Kim Paperback 0787983926 / 9780787983925 2007-11-05 $60.85
Youth Policy (Spicers European Policy Reports)Blakely, Gordon Paperback 0415038324 / 9780415038324 1990-01-25 $228.00
Youth Policy Blakely, Gordon Hardcover 1138425443 / 9781138425446 2017-06-30 $60.79
Youth Work 1987 Edition (Practical Social Work)Smith, Mark Paperback 0333409841 / 9780333409848 1987-02-23 $50.35
Youth Work Ethics (Empowering Youth and Community Work Practiceýlm)Roberts, Jonathan Paperback 1844452468 / 9781844452460 2009-06-16 $49.35
Youth Work Process, Product and Practice: Creating an authentic curriculum in work with young people Ord, Jon Paperback 0415854784 / 9780415854788 2016-06-27 $46.50
Youth Work Process, Product and Practice: Creating an Authentic Curriculum in Work with Young People Ord, Jon Hardcover 0415854776 / 9780415854771 2016-06-28 $231.00
Zambia: Pathways to Excellence Chekwe, Chisanga Paperback 1913976076 / 9781913976071 2021-09-20 $32.63
Ziel- Und Mittelkonflikte Sektorspezifischer Systeme Sozialer Sicherung: Das Beispiel Der Landwirtschaftlichen Sozialpolitik in Der Bundesrepublik Deu (German) Schmitt, Gunther Paperback 3428035100 / 9783428035106 1975-12-15 $31.50
Zur Dienstleistungsokonomik: Systemanalyse Und Systempolitik Der Krankenhauspflegedienste (German) Herder-Dorneich, Philipp Paperback 3428027752 / 9783428027750 1972-10-13 $52.50
Zur Neuen Sozialen Frage (German) Widmaier, Hans Peter Paperback 3428041518 / 9783428041510 1978-07-24 $82.95
Zur Notwendigkeit Eines Spezifischen Anti-Stalking-Straftatbestandes in Deutschland: Eine Rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung Unter Besonderer Berucksich (German) Lohr, Gerda Paperback 3428128095 / 9783428128099 2008-08-19 $137.75
Zur Theologie Des Industriebetriebes (German) Geck, L. H. Adolph Paperback 342800468X / 9783428004683 1967-06-05 $26.25
Zur Theorie Und Praxis Der Mitbestimmung: Bd. 1 (German) Weddigen, Walter Hardcover 342804181X / 9783428041817 1962-11-19 $152.25
Zur Theorie Und Praxis Der Mitbestimmung: Bd. 2 (German) Weddigen, Walter Hardcover 3428015355 / 9783428015351 1964-09-11 $91.35
Zusammen Wachsen Integration Von Zuwanderern: Indikatoren 2018 (German) Oecd Paperback 9264436324 / 9789264436329 2019-06-21 $85.50
Out Of Print Zuwanderung Auslandischer Arbeitskrafte: Deutschland (German Version) (German) Oecd Paperback 9264191739 / 9789264191730 2013-02-19 $37.05
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in der Altenpflege: Schritt für Schritt erfolgreich kommunizieren (German) Schweer, Henning Paperback 3756844005 / 9783756844005 2022-10-28 $30.88