Author / Artist
Pub Date
A People's Guide to Publishing Lib/E: Build a Successful, Sustainable, Meaningful Book Business from the Ground Up Biel, Joe Compact Disc 1982604751 / 9781982604752 2018-12-04 $76.65
A People's Guide to Publishing Workbook (People's Guide to Publishing Workbook)Biel, Joe Paperback 1621066681 / 9781621066682 2018-12-04 $3.61
A People's Guide to Publishing: Build a Successful, Sustainable, Meaningful Book Business from the Ground Up Biel, Joe Compact Disc 198260476X / 9781982604769 2018-12-04 $25.51
A People's Guide to Publishing: Build a Successful, Sustainable, Meaningful Book Business from the Ground Up Biel, Joe MP3 CD 1982604778 / 9781982604776 2018-12-04 $21.86
A Practical Guide to Aerial Photography with an Introduction to Surveying Softcover Repri Edition Ciciarelli, J. a. Paperback 1468465058 / 9781468465051 2012-03-13 $52.24
A Practical Treatise Upon Modern Printing Machinery and Letterpress Printing (Cambridge Library Collection: Printing and Publishing History (Paperback))Wilson, Frederick J. F. Paperback 1108021549 / 9781108021548 2010-10-28 $53.19
A Practical Treatise Upon Modern Printing Machinery and Letterpress Printing (Cambridge Library Collection - Printing and Publishing Histo)Wilson, Frederick J. F. Open Ebook 0511722338 / 9780511722332 2011-12-05 $85.00
A Publisher and His Friends 2 Volume Set: Memoir and Correspondence of the Late John Murray, with an Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, (Cambridge Library Collection - History of Printing, Publishi)Smiles, Samuel Paperback 110807393X / 9781108073936 2014-04-17 $113.05
A Quick Guide to Book-On-Demand Printing Revised Edition Allen, Roger MacBride Paperback 0970971184 / 9780970971180 2002-09-01 $22.05
A Reassuring Guide to Self Publishing: Basics for beginners Robitai, Bev Paperback 1503062554 / 9781503062559 2014-11-02 $9.50
A Scrapbook of Memories Chopra, Ashok Paperback 9352641124 / 9789352641123 2016-10-27 $13.65
A Second Supplementary Hand-List of the Muhammadan Manuscripts in the University and Colleges of Cambridge Arberry, Arthur John Paperback 1107623855 / 9781107623859 2013-09-19 $36.09
A Secret Hit: 150 years of Max Stirner's Der Einzige und sein Eigentum Laska, Bernd A. Paperback 1943687307 / 9781943687305 2023-11-01 $8.55
A Short History of Cambridge University Press Revised Edition Black, Michael Paperback 0521775728 / 9780521775724 2000-03-28 $37.04
Out Of Print A Simple Guide to Marketing Your Book Ortman, Mark Paperback 0963469940 / 9780963469946 2001-10-01 $10.40
Out Of Print A Simple Guide to Self Publishing: A Step-By-Step Handbook to Prepare, Print, Distribute & Promote Your Own Book Revised Edition Ortman, Mark Paperback 0963469916 / 9780963469915 2003-09-30 $10.40
A Study of a Woman; and Comedies of the Counter; 1043 Balzac, Honoré de 1799-1850 Hardcover 1014078083 / 9781014078087 2021-09-09 $25.60
A Study of a Woman; and Comedies of the Counter; 1043 Balzac, Honoré de 1799-1850 Paperback 1014784069 / 9781014784063 2021-09-09 $13.25
A Victorian Publisher: A Study of the Bentley Papers Gettmann, Royal A. Paperback 0521153204 / 9780521153201 2010-06-10 $47.49
A Victorian Publisher: a Study of the Bentley Papers Gettmann, Royal Alfred 1904- Hardcover 1013829069 / 9781013829062 2021-09-09 $32.25
A Victorian Publisher: a Study of the Bentley Papers Gettmann, Royal Alfred 1904- Paperback 1014449057 / 9781014449054 2021-09-09 $21.80
Out Of Print A vuelo de página: Una hojeada al mundo de los libros en México (Spanish) Romo Lizárraga, Porfirio Paperback 6079881519 / 9786079881511 2020-04-15 $10.79
A Writer's Dream Ewen M. Ed, David K. Paperback 1497515114 / 9781497515116 2014-04-01 $9.69
A Writer's Year Extended 2017 Edition (Fennel's Journal)Hudson, Fennel Hardcover 1909947105 / 9781909947108 2017-11-26 $21.89
Out Of Print A Writer's Year: Fennel's Journal No. 3 Extended 2017 Edition (Fennel's Journal)Hudson, Fennel Paperback 1909947113 / 9781909947115 2017-11-26 $9.48