Author / Artist
Pub Date
"Israel: A Journey Through the Ages - From the Bible to the Holocaust and Beyond" History of Israel Tozzo, Luiz Paperback 9798865869337 2023-10-30 $7.59
"Israel: Un viaje a través de los tiempos: desde la Biblia hasta el Holocausto y más allá" Historia de Israel (Spanish) Tozzo, Luiz Paperback 9798870797236 2023-12-04 $9.45
"Our Program,": An Essay Ussishkin, Abraham Menahem Mendel 18 Hardcover 1018852352 / 9781018852355 2022-10-27 $25.60
"Our Program,": An Essay Ussishkin, Abraham Menahem Mendel 18 Paperback 1018857737 / 9781018857732 2022-10-27 $13.25
Город заката (Russian) Иличеk Paperback 1998265250 / 9781998265251 2023-11-26 $15.19
Засадничі міфи ізраїльс& (Ukrainian) Garaudy, Roger Paperback 191305716X / 9781913057169 2019-03-11 $21.85
Основополагающие мифы и& (Russian) Garaudy, Roger Paperback 1913057151 / 9781913057152 2019-03-11 $21.85
Out Of Print تاريخ فلسطين وإسرائيل عب (Arabic) Alasooly, Hedaya Mahmood Paperback 1008986240 / 9781008986244 2021-03-17 $22.05
قدس أقداسنا\ قدس أقداسهم (Arabic) Reiter, Yitzhak Paperback 1885881592 / 9781885881595 2020-10-20 $23.75
跨越边界的证言 (Chinese) Penzel, Alon Paperback 9798991169592 2025-01-02 $17.51
'Emek ha-bakha: Sefer ha-orot veha-tela'ot asher 'avru 'al bet Yira'el (Hebrew) Luzzatto, Samuel David Hardcover 101924951X / 9781019249512 2022-10-27 $30.35
'Emek ha-bakha: Sefer ha-orot veha-tela'ot asher 'avru 'al bet Yira'el (Hebrew) Luzzatto, Samuel David Paperback 1019254246 / 9781019254240 2022-10-27 $18.00
10 Myths about the Six-Day War: Debunked Perach, John Paperback 151151020X / 9781511510202 2015-04-02 $12.32
10/7: 100 Human Stories Yaron, Lee Hardcover 1250366283 / 9781250366283 2024-09-24 $21.90
Available 09/23/2025 10/7: 100 Human Stories Yaron, Lee Paperback 1250366313 / 9781250366313 2025-09-23 $13.87
1001 Facts Everyone Should Know about Israel Bard, Mitchell G. Hardcover 0742543579 / 9780742543577 2005-11-01 $162.75
1001 Facts Everyone Should Know about Israel Bard, Mitchell G. Paperback 0742543587 / 9780742543584 2005-11-01 $48.30
Out Of Print 13th King of Israel: Coming of the AntiChrist Vega, Luis Paperback 1716448336 / 9781716448331 2020-12-06 $33.24
Out Of Print 150 Palestinian tales Bemmelen, Tom S. Van Paperback 9798224206674 2024-04-11 $20.34
1929 Hebron: The Tragedy That Shaped the Holy Land T. Whitfield, Eleanor Paperback 9798341395862 2024-10-06 $14.24
1949 the First Israelis Reissue Edition Segev, Tom Paperback 1501183737 / 9781501183737 2018-08-14 $15.32
1960 Destination Israel Laaken, Elsa M. Van Der Paperback 1425729673 / 9781425729677 2007-10-24 $19.94
1960 Destination Israel Laaken, Elsa M. Van Der Hardcover 1425729681 / 9781425729684 2007-10-24 $29.44
1967 Segev, Tom Paperback 0805088121 / 9780805088120 2008-04-29 $23.36
1967 Lib/E: Israel, the War, and the Year That Transformed the Middle East Segev, Tom Compact Disc 9798200141272 2007-09-03 $89.05