Author / Artist
Pub Date
50 Years of Dissent Mills, Nicolaus Paperback 0300103697 / 9780300103694 2004-07-11 $57.75
Culture in an Age of Money: The Legacy of the 1980s in America Revised Edition Mills, Nicolaus Paperback 0929587715 / 9780929587714 1991-08-01 $20.95
Culture in an Age of Money: The Legacy of the 1980s in America Mills, Nicolaus Hardcover 0929587359 / 9780929587356 1990-07-01 $21.38
Every Army Man Is with You: The Cadets Who Won the 1964 Army-Navy Game, Fought in Vietnam, and Came Home Forever Changed Mills, Nicolaus Paperback 0810896044 / 9780810896048 2017-12-28 $34.20
Every Army Man Is with You: The Cadets Who Won the 1964 Army-Navy Game, Fought in Vietnam, and Came Home Forever Changed Mills, Nicolaus Hardcover 1442239859 / 9781442239852 2014-11-01 $54.15
Getting Out: Historical Perspectives on Leaving Iraq Walzer, Michael Hardcover 0812242165 / 9780812242164 2009-09-22 $37.95
Like a Holy Crusade: Mississippi 1964 -- The Turning of the Civil Rights Movement in America Mills, Nicolaus Paperback 1566630266 / 9781566630269 1993-06-01 $18.95
Winning the Peace: The Marshall Plan and America's Coming of Age as a Superpower Mills, Nicolaus Hardcover 0470097558 / 9780470097557 2008-01-01 $28.43