Author / Artist
Pub Date
50 Years of Dissent Mills, Nicolaus Paperback 0300103697 / 9780300103694 2004-07-11 $57.75
Arguing about War Walzer, Michael Paperback 0300109784 / 9780300109788 2005-12-01 $22.00
Exodus and Revolution Revised Edition Walzer, Michael Paperback 0465021638 / 9780465021635 1986-10-09 $20.99
Getting Out: Historical Perspectives on Leaving Iraq Walzer, Michael Hardcover 0812242165 / 9780812242164 2009-09-22 $37.95
In God's Shadow: Politics in the Hebrew Bible Walzer, Michael Hardcover 0300180446 / 9780300180442 2012-06-05 $34.60
Interpretation and Social Criticism Revised Edition (Tanner Lectures on Human Values, 1985)Walzer, Michael Paperback 0674459717 / 9780674459717 1993-10-15 $34.65
Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations Walzer, Michael Paperback 0465052711 / 9780465052714 2015-08-11 $18.04
Obligations: Essays on Disobedience, War, and Citizenship Revised Edition Walzer, Michael Paperback 0674630254 / 9780674630253 1982-05-15 $42.00
On Toleration Revised Edition (Castle Lectures in Ethics, Politics, & Economics (Hardcover))Walzer, Michael Paperback 0300076002 / 9780300076004 1999-04-10 $21.00
Politics and Passion: Toward a More Egalitarian Liberalism Walzer, Michael Paperback 0300115369 / 9780300115369 2006-06-07 $17.85
Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality Revised Edition Walzer, Michael Paperback 0465081894 / 9780465081899 1984-09-25 $24.69
Teaching Plato in Palestine: Philosophy in a Divided World Revised Edition Fraenkel, Carlos Paperback 0691173362 / 9780691173368 2016-12-06 $22.75
Teaching Plato in Palestine: Philosophy in a Divided World Fraenkel, Carlos Hardcover 0691151032 / 9780691151038 2015-05-04 $41.95
The Company of Critics: Social Criticsm and Political Commitment in the Twentieth Century Revised Edition Walzer, Michael Paperback 0465090613 / 9780465090617 2002-07-04 $20.89
The Jewish Political Tradition: Volume I: Authority (Jewish Political Tradition)Walzer, Michael Paperback 0300102011 / 9780300102017 2003-12-11 $52.50
The Jewish Political Tradition: Volume II: Membership Walzer, Michael Paperback 0300115733 / 9780300115734 2006-05-15 $78.75
The Paradox of Liberation: Secular Revolutions and Religious Counterrevolutions Walzer, Michael Paperback 0300223633 / 9780300223637 2016-10-25 $19.95
The Politics of Ethnicity (Belknap Press)Walzer, Michael Paperback 0674687531 / 9780674687530 1980-01-01 $36.75
The Revolution of the Saints: A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics Walzer, Michael Paperback 0674767861 / 9780674767867 1982-04-15 $43.05
Thick and Thin: Moral Argument at Home and Abroad (Frank Covey Loyola L)Walzer, Michael Paperback 0268018979 / 9780268018979 2019-02-28 $26.25
Toward a Global Civil Society Walzer, Michael Hardcover 1571810544 / 9781571810540 1995-01-01 $128.25
Toward a Global Civil Society Revised Edition (International Political Currents)Walzer, Michael Paperback 1571811389 / 9781571811387 1997-12-01 $33.20