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Economic Policy Reforms 2017: Going for Growth
Contributor(s): Oecd (Author)

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ISBN: 9264270310     ISBN-13: 9789264270312
Publisher: Org. for Economic Cooperation & Development
OUR PRICE: $95.95  

Binding Type: Paperback - See All Available Formats & Editions
Published: March 2017
* Out of Print *

Click for more in this series: Economic Policy Reforms
Additional Information
BISAC Categories:
- Business & Economics | Development - Economic Development
- Business & Economics | Economics - General
- Political Science | Public Policy - Economic Policy
Series: Economic Policy Reforms
Physical Information: 0.94" H x 8.25" W x 11" L (2.31 lbs) 346 pages
Descriptions, Reviews, Etc.
Publisher Description:

Going for Growth is the OECD's regular report on structural reforms in policy areas that have been identified as priorities to boost incomes in OECD and selected non-OECD countries (Argentina, Brazil, the People's Republic of China, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Lithuania, the Russian Federation and South Africa). Policy priorities are updated every two years and presented in a full report, which includes individual country notes with detailed policy recommendations to address the priorities, as well as a follow-up on actions taken. The selection of priorities and the monitoring of reform actions are supported by internationally comparable indicators that enable countries to assess their economic performance and structural policies in a wide range of areas. In addition to the new set of policy priorities and country notes, the 2017 report also includes a special chapter discussing how the Going for Growth framework has been extended to identify reform packages that boost growth while ensuring that the benefits are widely shared.

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