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Antología 2020. Ocho poetas hispanounidenses: Anthology 2020. Eight Hispanic American Poets (Bilingual edition)
Contributor(s): Ambroggio, Luis Alberto (Author)

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ISBN: 1950474283     ISBN-13: 9781950474288
Publisher: Nueva York Poetry Review
OUR PRICE: $6.64  

Binding Type: Paperback
Language: Spanish
Published: June 2020
Additional Information
BISAC Categories:
- Poetry | American - Hispanic American
Physical Information: 0.38" H x 6" W x 9" L (0.55 lbs) 164 pages
Descriptions, Reviews, Etc.
Publisher Description:
Congregar en una antolog a digital algunas de las voces m s destacadas de la poes a hispanoamericana de los Estados Unidos es un logro que satisface la pasi n y los sentidos. Celebramos con esta publicaci n el mes de la poes a en los Estados Unidos presentando a poetas de una de las tradiciones po ticas americanas, la hispanounidense, que se inicia en el a o 1571 con la Obra nuevamente compuesta de Bartolom de Flores, a la que sigue el poema pico m s antiguo escrito en lengua europea, La Florida de Fray Gregorio de Escobedo que se ubica entre los a os 1587 y 1593, y el poemario de corte virgiliano Historia de Nuevo M xico que Gaspar Perez de Villagr , empieza a escribir a partir del a o 1598.To collect a digital anthology of many distinguished poetic voices of Hispanic poets in the USA is an achievement that satisfiesmany passions and sentiments. We celebrate poetry month in the USA with this publication of poets who have followed the tradition which first began in 1571 with Barlolom de Flores's Newly Composed Work to the epic poem The Florida of Brother Gregorio de Escobedo, the oldest poem written in a European language about what would eventually become part of the USA, which appeared between the years of 1587 and 1593, and the Virgil-like poem History of New Mexico by Gaspar P rez de Villagr that followed, begun at the end of 1598.To collect a digital anthology of many distinguished poetic voicesof Hispanic poets in the USA is an achievement that satisfies many passions and sentiments. We celebrate poetry month in theUSA with this publication of poets who have followed the tradition which first began in 1571 with Barlolom de Flores's NewlyComposed Work to the epic poem The Florida of Brother Gregorio de Escobedo, the oldest poem written in a European language about what would eventually become part of the USA, which appeared between the years of 1587 and 1593, and the Virgil-like poem History of New Mexico by Gaspar P rez de Villagr that followed, begun at the end of 1598.LUIS ALBERTO AMBROGGIOAcademia Norteamericana de la Lengua Espa ola
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